Thursday, May 30, 2013

Well if that is true .. MAN I am blessed. !!! I cant sleep half the time ... so now When I am laying there awake .. I am going to say .. HEYYYYYYYYY someone is dreaming of me LOL or thinking of me .. Maybe praying for me. ...

Speaking of Prayer .. I just want you to know .. I can feel when someone is praying .. YOU know when your world is just falling apart and YOU somehow just GOT THIS !!! HECK lately I have coasted thru some STORMY things and Just like my one post said HEY if GOD gives us stony paths.. HE IS SURE TO GIVE US GOOD SHOES ..and he does.. something's just have a way of working themselves out .. Having said that I love a good prayer warrior .. They keep us covered like sweet blankets.. Thanks so much to all our prayer warriors.

Tonight I spent some serious time with my blogging friends (YALL) your blogs are amazing and just puts words in my fingers as I type. I want to discuss it all and or just soak it all in. Just another way GOD shows me that there are like minded (yoked) out there in blog land. I go to some of your blogs then I feel like I went to see a friend. I FEEL FULL.. or I see the grand kids or kids or someone talk about their Journey and I think GOD is so good. DONT you feel like that sometimes. IT is a great line of love and communication ..SO full of thanks after reading some of them. I get ideas on how to make things.. HOW to think or process something.. or a good scripture.. I just want to say thank you . I guess I just feel JOYFUL and full..

What I learned today is .....YOU never know !!! Meaning today is one thing and tomorrow might be another . I think if we put the armor of GOD on .. I think whatever we don't know ...might just be okay.. I don't really like the saying if it don't kill you it makes you stronger.. I think HARSH there just a little bit .. BUT What I do think is ...If you made it thru something YOUR blessed and you have been given an opportunity to share .

YOU know the old question what is your purpose... I know to Spread GODS love and word .. .. But do you ever wonder ... What am I supposed to be doing.. I am 45 WHEWWW NELLY Hold the fort ..Did I really say that outloud.. WHY yes I did .. AGE Is Just  number girls... 46 next Thursday GOOD GRAVY (already)  and I feel like I just was born or something .. I Have lots to do .. sooooooo future post will be BUCKET LIST ...and maybe one day we can all (next year ) OH near JUNE lol plan a cruise or something .. That would be soooooooooooo fun... anyways I started typing like I was talking and HEY got off track .. BUT what I meant to say is what is your purpose..YOUR gift and what do you want to do with the next SHIFT in your life or phase or chapter.. I say lets do something good......

GOD is so good and I pray your last thought tonight after you pray for all you love is .. HOW thankful you are to have life and GOD leading the way.... HUGS and I really do wish we were all just neighbors already ... TOODLES


  1. Sherry, You are such a BLESSING~~~You speak from the HEART! And yes, AGREED!, we all have purpose and/or a purpose! The number one thing GOD asks from us is to LOVE ONE ANOTHER and LOVE the LORD with all our HEART and put nothing else before him! GOD is wonderful! It is such a JOY to serve him! Prayer is Power!! Lets Pray for this nation and each other! Blessings and have a wonderful weekend~~~Roxie

  2. Oh, can it really be true?!!! I haven't been able to sleep the last couple of nights.

  3. Can't wait to see your bucket list! You have plenty of time ahead of you so I can't wait to see what you'll accomplish! :)

  4. oh, what a lovely post! i guess i do wonder a lot what my purpose is... I knew that i was supposed to look after my little boy ; only for a short time unfortunately... but i think that all the events that occurred in my life before he came along, led me and shaped me to be the very best mum that he could have. To be the best person to look after him. And now i can sit back and see that it has taken me ten years to be ready for the next phase of my life! i am excited by that now (i m not saying that i have moved on or anything; its not like that! just 'ready') A bucket list is a great idea!! might put some pen to paper! look forward to seeing yours! hope you are well gorgeous happy vibrant girl!!! have a wonderful weekend!

  5. What a sweet and heartfelt post. I truly understand what you are saying.
    Take care sweet friend.
    xo rachel

  6. Such a great post, I haven't been sleeping well the last few nights either, interesting? Love your writings and love those "GOOD SHOES"

    Have a great day!
