Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Hi everyone... I wanted to say Thank you to SOUTHERN BELLE Magazine for featuring me in the magazine... Showing some of my attention to detail in decorating my home and my photographs (I love taking pics) ... Most of all for mentioning my blog.. The Rusty Pearl name ... YOU name it . I wanted to do jumping Jacks.. I felt proud and thankful .. I meet so many great people on this blog.. That I just want to love for the rest of my life.. SO I wanted to take a moment and say thank you to SOUTHERN BELLE for making my day !!! .. It is a great magazine and I love all the features !!!

---- Yall know that Wednesday is friend day .. I go walking at work with some friends and I met this lady walking ..>Each day she is doing something UNIQUE.. I would love to just sit and talk with her.. She would be walking she wears this Asian hat and you hear no music she is dancing to life sometimes I pass her she is smiling bigger than anthing and she keeps on moving waving her arms like doing the wave or she is shimming and dancing.. I snapped a pic of her.. She is my friend she just does not know it yet LOL .. LOVE her spirit and zest for life.. I just GET HER LOL

here she is below ...

That is her dancing and walking --she is always alone and HAPPY . .LOVE her ..

I have been on this kick where if you sit long enough (30 ) minutes something will happen .. Well I was looking at the sun the other day .. If you get real quiet you hear LIFE around you .. a hummm and its true.. GOD'S creatures they happen by .. Or you see a beautiful weed even in the garden that somehow just is beautiful and deserves to be there... saw this one walking into work.. I thought .. LOOK what it has been thru and its bloomed anyway and just beautiful .. It just deserved to be there.. SO I saw a guy that looked like maybe he was gardening.. I said Can you leave that one .. He said sure....SO now everyday I am looking to make sure its still there and if I have water left in my water bottle at the end of the day .. I water it ..

see below :

YEP that's my sweet flower LOL ...

Well I just wanted to close with .. we are on this journey .. Take out some time out of your day and soak it all in . Be thankful for it .. GOD is so good.. I see it so much in all I do . I feel so blessed and thankful.... Have a blessed week my sweet friends and thanks for giving me some of your time and love and inspiration . YOU really do bless me... HUGS --- I am so glad GOD crossed our paths in this life.. I am better for it ... TOODLES !!!!


  1. I'm back visiting! Love the picture of the lady dancing to life. I think of you as dancing, too! Hope you have a wonderful night- xo Diana

  2. Woo hoo that's awesome about the magazine

  3. Congratulations on your magazine feature, Sherry! How exciting for you!

  4. I am so happy to know you, too, Sherry. I love the lady who dances. Wish I knew her story. Congrats on your feature. That is wonderful and I hope it brings you lots of new friends. xo Laura

  5. Hi Sherry, Congrats on the magazine feature. You so deserve it and I am so happy for you. Love the dancing lady. She is doing what we all might feel, but not really do outside. Love your sweet weed flower.
    Wishing you a special day.Hugs, Celestina Marie

  6. Sherry, congrats on te feaured article. I am glad things are flowing again. I love the 30 minute sitting, like mediation. You always convey things so well.

  7. Congrats on your feature.. that is wonderful!
    I had to stop by and thank you for your visit
    to my blog and for your sweet comment on
    "The Pier" , it's her last day and everyone
    here is upset but it has to go to build a new
    safe one....
    Have a wonderful week

  8. Oh how sweet that you are taking care of that little flower. I love how you described it and how you are getting in some quiet time for reflection. And the magazine feature - that is beyond amazing! How cool!!!

  9. How exciting to have been featured in the magazine. The woman you met on your walk sounds amazing!
    Sarah x

  10. Congratulations! How exciting! That little flower is SO pretty! I love that woman's happy cheery attitude!

  11. Look at you going and getting featured in a magazine!!! YAY!!!! Jump up and down, turn all around and celebrate! Congrats! Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof

  12. I am so proud of you my friend. It is such a blessing to know you and your little prayer for me this morning means the world to me. See you soon!

  13. Congrats on being featured in the magazine!!

  14. Hi, Sherry! When my son was younger, he was ALWAYS talking! I remember on quite a few occassions, I would try to get him to just be still and listen. Listen to the sounds of life around and know that our God is awesome in that He made all these things for us! As I get older, I really appreciate the silence! It is in these times that I feel closer to God! Congrats on the magazine feature! Blessings, Tammy

  15. Wow Sherry. What a great post. There's not much 'quiet' in our house anymore with a toddler but I try and have some meditation time each week. LOVE it. And congrats on being featured! What an honor!

  16. Evening Sherry, A BIG WHOO-HOO and Congrats for your feature in Southern Belle!! (I must find that magazine!) I too, met a dancing lady yesterday at an Old Fashioned Flea Mkt.....she was clogging at some gentlemen playing christian/blue grass music. I stood next to her, watching and enjoying her free happy spirit, then complimented her afterwards. I wanted to join her, but I can't clog! She said to me...Take some lessons!! You'll love it! Loved her spirit as well as yours....If I get this camper girl....be ready to JUNK! Blessings and prayers~~~Roxie

  17. I love your lady who dances and walks... and I love it that you give such sweet energy and sustenance to your little flower...


  18. congrats on the feature! that is huge. I love just sitting quietly and enjoying being in the moment.

  19. Wow...congrats on your mag feature!!!
    Farmhouse hugs,
