Wednesday, May 8, 2013

 Well my sweet friends... BEEN so busy. I have MOVED to a new CITY .. and have a new JOB and lots of change.. BEEN hard, been fun, been blessed, been sad. YOU name it ..and its BEEN .. I feel Quiet.. cant explain it .. BUT I have not had the URGE to just talk too much.. Been listening instead.   ...I am now an hour from the beach maybe hour half... OMGOSH say it isn't soooooooo .

I am BACK and so thankful for my new followers.. I feel so blessed and cant wait to know and love each of you ... This is all for now... BUT just you wait.. I am working on some really cool posts and projects... HUGS .. Just wanted to say HELLO and even if I have not commented today I read all your great blogs... HUGS and my prayer is that your all so blessed that you need ten trucks to carry it all. ...


  1. Hope you are happy in your new surroundings!!!! Miss ya! Deb Vintage On A Dime....

  2. I have missed you my sweet friend but know that you are on to bigger and better things! God bless you and hope to see you soon! (((hugs)))

  3. Evening Sherry, I realized you had a new job, but didn't know you moved. Well, we have that in common these last weeks, haven't we?? I like your comment about being quiet and wanting to feelings as well. Seems as if the Lord is taking me in a new direction and I am enjoying the ride!! Glad you still get to go to the beach! Blessings~~~Roxie

  4. I hope you are feeling settled and comfortable. xo rachel

  5. I'll be praying for you to adjust quickly to all this change. My goodness! I know you have a lot on your plate, so I'm even that much more grateful you took the time to stop by my blog earlier.


  6. That is a lot of change all at once. Wishing you the best with it all.
    Farmhouse hugs,

  7. Lots of changes for you! May you have an inner peace about it all. And how lucky are you to only be an hour away from the beach! We're 7 hours away! Have a great weekend!

  8. Hi Sherry, You have been a busy girl for sure. I wish you much happiness and love in your new location and home. So glad you are still pretty close to the beach. I am 12 hours away but I have a pool just a few steps. LOL~~ That will have to work for me. I made a little beach with stones and shells off to one end. I can pretend I am at the beach.
    Blessings to you my friend.
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

  9. Aw congrats on your new job and new place. Change is hard, I know. Happy to hear you can still be by the ocean within a hour or so. Quiet is good too, isn't it.

    Have a great day!

  10. I'm so glad to see you back! But if you need time to be quiet and listen that's ok too. I know it must be overwhelming with all the change and upheaval in your life lately. I'll keep you in my thoughts!

    So glad you're back, I missed you!

  11. Glad you are back and I hope that you are settling in to your new life changes.

  12. Wow you have been busy girl! Hope you're enjoying things in your new surroundings and job :)

  13. Hi Sherry, Sending hugs and well wishes. Moves are always hard, even good moves take a while to settle. Blessings to you my friend. Looking forward to hearing all about your new adventures.
    Be Well
    xox Willow

  14. Sending you happy thoughts! Hope you get settled soon! Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof

  15. congrtualtions on your move!! best wishes for a great new start!!! Looking forward to hearing of your new projects and adventures, how exciting lovie!!!
    have a fabulous weekend!
    laura x

  16. Just popped back over today to tell you Happy Mothers Day Sherry :)

  17. Sherry I just need to tell you that you are GOD sent. I found you by mistake on pinterest...well GOD knew the way! I started looking at your boards and fell in love. I came to your blog and the first thing I see is the ocean. I always feel so very close to GOD at the ocean and I have been needing to get there so badly of late. I live in OH so I am hours away from the ocean. I cannot tell you how calming reading your blog has been just now. I feel like I have met a long lost friend. Be blessed my new friend! Tamara

  18. What a big change! Good luck with everything.

  19. So serene here. I love everything, the music, photos, background. Such a feeling of simplicity. Reminds me that something as simple as hanging clothes on the beach, as in your other post, can make a person fulfilled.
