Thursday, June 13, 2013

                                 Remember the last time I had my EYE (OW)  Brows done !!!!

THE ONE ON THE LEFT IS COVERED FOR A REASON __LAUGHING OUT LOUD One had some hair left and this was after growing them out for a long TIME --- Doesn't look sooooo bad in this one.. BUT wanted you to see how I was wearing the hair .. I hairsprayed it down LOL
THOSE puppies were topic of a lot of conversation .....

 HOLY Guacamole they hurt and were red for days it seemed (hour) but days sounded more effective LOL ... WELL the SWEET woman (Who I knew did not know English very well ) Shook her head (As if to say YES SHE UNDERSTOOD) waxed those puppies smooth off.. I had to keep wearing my hair over them if I was trying a  new style or something... WELL ..Now they have grown back .. CAN WE SAY SCART !LOL oh yea going to try someone else this time. That last lady did quite the number on me and she almost went BRUCE _ LEE on me when I explained I was not happy with them. I paid anyways ----OUT OF FEAR LOL .. but never the less been MONTHS I think since the last waxing...SOOOOOOOOOOOO SINCE tomorrow is MY DAY Friday LOL .. OH YEA IMA gonna give it a WHIRL  ( I know country English there ) But if your from the country you get my JIST ... GIGGLING as I type it

SO looking forward to a ME day... Have you done anything for yourself lately. I have decided that putting ourselves on that list  ... Makes us all the better. .. Short post tonight . ..because I want to spend sometime reading all the blogs I follow. I learn and love em all.. HUGS and hope that you had a victorious day in the lord... Been reading in Timothy this week .. HOW BOUT YOU ?


  1. I had my eyebrows waxed once. OUCH!!! Now I just pluck a few hairs a day. Keeps me sane :)

  2. So afraid to get my brows waxed...or anything else for that matter..maybe tmi, but anyway, I am a plucker myself. Hope your me day is amazing!

  3. Evening Sherry, I've never had my eyebrows waxed because I could use MORE!! bout passing yours to me?? lol! Anyway, I have been reading in I Timothy also....POWERFUL and I am really enjoying it! Blessings girl, hope you are doing prayers are with you! You look pretty as ever~~~~Roxie

  4. I agree that we need to carve out time for ourselves, which for full time Caregivers is sometimes easier said than done even though we know the benefits from taking care of Self in order to be able to Care for others properly and in the right Spirit. I've got a house full of sick ones today so I'm Escaping for a while into the Blissful Land of Blog! Hoping I don't catch whatever is making the rounds thru the household... they've been dropping like flies! Thanks for coming by for a Blog Visit and Admiring my new Mother's Day Gift, it is so Hollywood Regency isn't it?

    Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  5. My daughter is a beautician and she waxes my eyebrows. I'd be afraid to let anyone else to mine...they are so thin anyways. I think that is a great picture of you.

  6. WOW! Thank the good Lord you didn't ask for a bikini wax, too!!!! snicker If it goes bad again you can always start wearing an eye patch and then no one will notice the eyebrows. xo Diana

  7. I love plucking my eyebrows!! but you can get carried away from time to time!!! i m sure yours are just perfect underneath that pretty hair!!
    have a lovely weekend!
    laura x

  8. I have never had my brows waxed, I always just tweeze them myself. I think waxing would hurt a little bit, ouch! Hope you have a great weekend my friend! :)

  9. Never had my brows waxed. I just shape them myself with tweezing. Your pic is beautiful. Darling hair style.
    Enjoy your me time. Everyone needs it now and again.
    Happy weekend.

  10. you should try one of those Indian brow places where they use the string. They're amazing, hurts less than waxing and it's way more precise

  11. I had been thinking about having mine waxed, but know I'm a little nervous.

  12. I never had mine waxed, but I've seen others have it done and it must hurt judging by the "YoW!". I am thinking of getting my hair short in the next week, but I keep changing my mind from day to day. Your hair cut is lovely!

  13. How are those eyebrows holding up ;)

  14. Oh my gosh that is hilarious happy to hear they grew back friend! I dont have my waxed and not sure I will ever after reading your post... haha have a great day!

  15. Oh no!! That's too bad. I'd definitely go somewhere else next time :)

    One time I accidentally waxed off half of my left eyebrow... needless to say, I haven't tried doing it one my own since lol!!

  16. well, too funny, but not. =/

    I've had mine waxes a few times, and not too painful. then between I just pluck them myself.

    hugs and love

    PS hate to write this here but afraid to use your email
    I think you have been hacked. Got a weird email from you.

  17. You are lucky they grew back, sometimes they don't!!! Have a great weekend, Laura
