Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Hey .. I thought that cute face would get your attention .>  .. I noticed tonight My blogger was not posting my people that I follow tonight .. Is anyone having that trouble.. >> Hope that you all have a wonderful night... .HUGS... I love getting on here and reading all your blogs... TONIGHT NOTHING IS ON MY FEED ...HELP....................Has that happened to yall ? ---Guess I will REBOOT


  1. That happens to me frequently. Within a few minutes it is back to normal. Technology!

  2. happens to me and I just keep refreshing the page until it comes in. Hope you can see you blogs feed soon.

  3. OH gosh he's adorable . . . brings me back to when my kids were little and we seemed to always have hamsters, gerbils and a variety of other less common pets!!

  4. Awwww what a cute photo! Definitely did get my attention, so mission accomplished!

    Occasionally my blogger does that to me, I just wait a few minutes and refresh and everything is back to normal! Not sure what causes it, but just refresh and it should be back :)

  5. That is just the cutest picture lol. My Bloggie reader acts up quite a bit, hang in there :)

  6. You are right- that face did get my attention. What a cutie! I hope your technical problems all get worked out. I also hope you are having a lovely week!
