Tuesday, February 26, 2013

I have blogged on this desk before... However it is a constant project. I refuse to quit unitl all shells are finished on all sides. Vacation Shells, Kids shells, Special walking and picking up shells. It has become a labor of love...
This day Westin gave me some of those shells that you see on that desk .

This is the light fixture that I am trying to reproduce.. OMGOODNESS do I think this would look fabulous .......... Saving twings and things now to make this .. Keep your fingers crossed that I can pull it off. The look I am going for is what I coined PURE .. Fits the journey that I am on I think ..
using things GOD gave us ..

This is the dresser that My mom and I painted to put in the office. YOU should have seen this when we started .. LOTS of holes we patched .. Was a pure eye sore... Turned out fabulous.. been sticking to the ANN SLOAN Paint and painting alot of my furniture this color ..

I love this desk and the process has brought me a lot of JOY !!!  I think anything that brings us JOY is a blessing dont you ?

Here above is a pic Via Pinterest . I am using it for my inspiration board to recreate this room on a dime... I have the table that I got for $62 and all the chairs. On the HUNT holding this picture now for the chair covers. I want to possibly STAMP my own on the backs.. With one being Angel Wings maybe a crown or a bird on a wire a big SHELL ..not sure.. Maybe all different and Faint in color .. Here is my dining room now......below .. imagine the chairs covered...

Thought I would show you some of the TINKERING I have been doing.. .. I leave here tonight closing my post with a thankful Heart. ............. I value a persons TIME and  I really appreciate your love and thoughts and any time taken out of your day for The Rusty Pearl ... .Have a blessed night and here below is my photo of the day...

Let me set the mood.. Jelly - Bean is a MESS . Been finding things broken.. MY waterfall as of yesterday ... And then I walked into the hall and SAID LOUD JELLY BEAN ..this was the deer in the HEADLIGHT look I got ... Then she proceeded to continue on her path of destruction ..SHE Is back on GROUNDATION LOL



  1. wow that desk is going to be amazing when you finish and the twigg light is very cool

  2. Great projects and ideas Sherry. Stop by my friend Celestina Marie's blog for some great tutorials on painting fabric (it looks gorgeous!) and she knows how to transfer an image from a print (like Graphics Fairy has a lot of nice prints)so you could possibly do your dining chairs like the inspiration piece. Celestina Maries blog is here. ~Diane

  3. The desk is so creative and right up your alley of course! Haha. That light fixture looks amazing. I can't wait to see how you recreate it! And always love to see sweet Jelly Bean :)

  4. LOVE that desk and it's even more gorgeous in person! How cool. I now feel like I am at the ocean every time I pull up your blog. How refreshing to just sit back and listen to the waves - nice touch!

  5. Hey Sherry; I Love your shell Desk!!! Everything that you post always looks so Beautiful. I wish that I had your Dresser!!! Jelly Bean is such a pretty Calico. There is a stray Calio that I have been feeding, and I hope to be able to get close enough, so that I can make her a house Kitty!! LOL.
    Thank-You so much for sharing all that you do. Take Care :-)

  6. Sweetie, I love that desk, and always enjoy the ocean pictures you post. so peaceful.

    hugs and blessings

  7. Hi!
    I love your blog, and I may be able to help you with the rustic chandelier. I found a blog (http://craftybutt.blogspot.com/2011/06/craft-hack-diy-rustic-chandelier.html) that has directions on how to do it step-by-step! I can't wait to try it myself. I like your idea of having more branches than the other one, but hopefully this will get you started. Blessings to you and your family. Let me know how it works!! Holly

    P.S. I don't want to put my email address on this public space, so I will figure out how to communicate. Kansas mom of one daughter. God bless you and your family......

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. You are SO creative! Wow that desk is incredible... Sorry to hear Jelly Bean's been on a tear. She sure is cute though :)

  10. Hi Sherry, So nice to meet you and thank you for stopping by and your kind comment. I am honored you are a new follower and I am one here too now.
    You are one talented lady and your projects are awesome. I love your desk painted with the chaulk paint. It is a real treasure.
    Looks like your Jelly Bean is on a roll. LOL What a cutie pie.
    Yes, you are so right, anything that brings joy is a blessing.
    Happy Creating and Blessings always.
    Hugs, Celestina Marie Design

  11. How did I miss this post? Sherry, you have such a wonderful creative spirit..I have no doubt you will accomplish all your goals for the desk and dining room..Yes, I think joy is a true gift of the spirit that comes from God...I can tell you have joy and share it with others...Love jelly bean..that look is priceless. I love a cat! They are soooo human...lol.. Blessings my friend..Praying for you!

  12. I am loving the desk! Its a beautiful piece filled with memories from all the shells! Such a clever idea!

    Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof
