Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Hey Sweet friends.... (you all  fuel my inspiration) My world is truly blessed with you in it !! I just want to say thank you !!!!!! I love reading and commenting on your blogs. I love the ideas and the creative juices that get sparked when I read them !!! Thank you .. SOOOOOOOOOO I have a new Idea...

sooooooooooo My friends call me POPPIE !!! WHY you ask ? ? ??  Well because I always have a camera in TOW.. I take pictures of life...  One of my girls were going somewhere .. I said Take pictures.. She said .. We might but we will prob just be spending time LIVING it .. Not taking pictures of it >>>>>>>>>>>> OMGOSH I think ..that is great and all .. BUT we view History by the pictures we take ......SO I say LIVE it and If you can .. TAKE that picture !!!!!!!

SO I saw this post : BELOW

And ..................WHEWWWWWWWWW HEW .. This RUSTY PEARL is going to take this challenge...............SO every day for one year (starting Valentines Day) I am going to take at least one picture a day and document it somewhere (isnt that a cool idea ? ) I love this !!!  The POPPIE in me thinks this is the BEES KNEES !!! LOL( Poppie was coined because my friends call me the Papparatzi .. ) Know I have a camera somewhere... LOL .....SO I am ON IT !!!!!!!!

Just think where pictures can take us !! I want to take pictures of things that inspire me .
I want to take pictures of things and people that mean something to me. I want to look for the goodness in the things that I am viewing.. Of course if there is a life changing event .. I will try and capture it .. GOOD or Bad.. BUT since I am on the journey of KINDNESS .. My vision is to be HAPPY PICS !!!!!!!!!!!

So ..................With camera in hand............ I plan on seeing the world thru my lense

What do you think of this idea.. ANYONE up for the challenge ? I would love for someone to join me on this endeavor ................ Kind of like a time capsule (LOVE)

Now I would like to share this with you from my sweet book that my friend sent to me...

 I am your strength and your shield. I plan out each day and I have it ready for you , long before you arise from bed. I also provide the strength you need each step of the way . Instead of assessing your energy level and wondering about whats on the road ahead.... Concentrate on staying in touch with me ..Refuse to waste energy on worrying and you will have enough energy to spare.. This is from my book called Jesus Calling..

I read that and just pictured our heavenly father saying those words .. I felt such comfort.

 Hope that your day and week is blessed. I loved that I could share my thoughts on life, and photography ideas and most of all.. Sharing something about GOD !!! I feel most proud of that..................... TOODLEPIP !!!!!!!!!


  1. That is a great idea! I don't think I could do a photo every day, but it sounds like a good thing for you! I usually go in spurts where I take photos of everything, then sometimes my camera sits for a week or more untouched.

    Excited to see what you come up with!

    1. Girl .. You can do this with me. YOU take the best pics.. HECK I feel like I am at your farm on your page........................ COME ON now ...lol ..HUGS

  2. You sound like my sister. At every family event, she insists that she takes pictures of all of us and tries to capture every moment. I enjoy nature pictures the most and I usually grab my camera when I go outdoors. Good luck and have fun with your new adventure.
    Farmhouse hugs,

    1. Thanks Cindy .. I love a good pic of the beach and the nature too.......... Thanks for stopping in .. WILL see you at the Farmhouse !!!!!!!!! HUGS

  3. This sounds perfect for you! Can't wait to watch the year in photos unfold!

  4. That sounds like the makings of a great book! go for it my friend and have fun.

  5. Oh my word Honey Gal!!! I am 'in love' with your idea! I can't tell you how many times, I've taking pictures of everyday events. I once took a picture of my (now ex) husband sitting in church with my uncle. My church closed, my marriage failed, but I still have the picture. The memory. It's irreplaceable!
    Go for it girl! I would love to see your life through pictures. It's a beautiful idea.
    Blessing of Love and Peace my friend!
    ~Have Faith~

    1. Thank you sweet girl ..... I would love to see all your pics sister

    2. Well.. you can see some of them on my personal web page. It's outdated, but it has some great pictures.

  6. Great idea...have fun!! I am reading the Jesus Calling book too...and everyday I am moved my what I read!! Amazing...

    1. Laurel... I love that book.. My friend Judy mailed it to me. I feel so uplifted everytime I read it

  7. That is a wonderful book! As for the picture idea, I LOVE it! I am not always very good about having my camera with me. My girls are 13, 11 and 8. I know that I would have such a treasure if I had a picture a day for the next year! I just might have to give this a try! Maybe at least 5 pictures a week would work for me? Life to the full, Melissa

    1. Girl ............even five a week is awesome.. I wish I had that memory of me growing up

  8. I think that's a fantastic idea! And, i LOVE your exuberance... Imagine the journey you'll take capturing those photos... I love the photo of the suitcase ... did you take that?


    1. No cindy that was from pinterest . I started my photo thing today .. I cant wait to get started
      documenting everything

  9. Sounds like a beautiful idea and quite worthwhile too. Good luck and enjoy the journey! ~Diane

  10. I have seen ideas for the Photo a Day and thought they sounded fun. Good luck!

  11. I also have been taking photos and I
    remember my kids running from me saying
    "MOM">..... lol
    Yes, you asked if I live near that beach.
    It's about a mile from me.. I love the
    area of Clearwater, Fl. I've been living
    here over 6 years now and they can
    lay me to rest here cause I'm not moving
    Happy Weekend

    1. Sandy ..THat is awesome... I will stop in and say Hello when I go there .. YOU lucky girl
