Okay sweet Blogging friends and family ... The above picture the shelf on my fireplace is my current Design on a dime.. Thanks to my pop !!!
I think that is a SMOKIN deal !!! I need to paint it etc.. BUT I love it. Notice my old Design on a dime the candles in front was a $2 find...OMGUSH love !!
The screen was $20 ..that was featured I think on one of my designs on a dime !!!

This was not far from my house.. I want to mark this down as MY 1st photo of the day Journey .. I am starting that today.. Was going to do Valentines as start date but today was kicked off.. I thought this was a good picture.. AND anything with a little RUST on it catches my eye... I love all of GOD'S colors here. Just look at it all.. The next picture was my favorite pic of the day .. I looked at it and felt such peace running thru me. THE wind was blowing, the Sea-Gulls were talking (more like squawking ) but beautiful just the same and the clang of the sails on boats and the rushing water noise .. OMGUSH felt like a little slice of heaven ... I just loved it all ... I could smell the rain .. It is here NOW in all its glory .. God's Land is being watered . I often thought you can tell alot about a person when it rains.. DO you complain or do you DANCE... I choose to dance.. many a time .. I have gone in the rain and looked up and THANKED GOD ............ GOOD PRAYER weather..It is not just for sleeping you know >........... : )

Can you close your eyes and feel and hear it . ... That is what I think I want to take away from the photo challenge ... HOW I am feeling on this journey.
I really do think you can find beauty anywhere... Look around at the Canvas that GOD has placed before us. I am thankful !!!
Then as I was driving thru the little Coastal area .. I notice the since of patriotism .. The little houses that had the flags hanging proudly.. Gave me this since of HONOR within me and proud to be here .. I love all people and I know some of my sweet friends and sisters that are from other lands love our flag and what our country has offered them.. They too are proud to be here.. I just felt full within me as I drove past it all and felt it ..
See the flags ....
I love all countries and lands ... I just wanted to show what I noticed today . I am trying to be more aware of all my surroundings and on a complete journey of LOVE and kindness !!
AND I think no matter where we live or where we are from .. WE should show PRIDE ..
ONE Other note .. and you can quote me.. I have noticed some areas where people do not take care of their surroundings..> I want to say this and YOU can QUOTE ME .. You do not have to have money .. or be called RICH to be CLEAN ... Pick up your yard people !! OKAY so that is my soap box for the day ...and NOTE : A toilet in the front yard IS NOT A PLANTER ..SOMEONE lied to you if they said it looks great.. TAKE IT DOWN!!!
LOL.. sorry that is my VENT for the day ..SO we have had design on a dime, Vent for the day , Photo for the day .. Now I want to share something that Cheri my friend sent to me. I thought it was so beautiful.. She really touched me and has been a blessing since the day I met her. SHE is a GOOD SOUL...
She said she used to wake up in the morning and put a cross in her pocket ...as time moved on her cross grew and grew
One day she said she awakened and her crosss was bigger than her !! She said she hoisted that cross on her shoulder and carried it proud.. She said If Jesus can carry his cross than so shall she..
Meaning all her crosses that she bared .. I just loved it and her vision for that . LOVE her and thanks Cheri for inspiring me..
GOD bless everyone and thanks for BLOGGING with me.... Means alot.