Monday, March 25, 2013

Hey blogging family ... I thought this sign said it all. SOMETIMES in life we have trials and tribulations and we over think things. .. I came across this sign and it just silenced my inside worry voice and thought >>I got this !!
SO what do all Rusty Pearls do ..
I went into my 14 year olds room and said GET UP ..Its a mommy and me day ..She ROLLED those 14 teenage eyes.. I am sure you know the ones if you have ever had teenagers.....
BUT she was a trooper she got up .. She said where are we going . I said the BEACH ..was cool out ..but I said there are memories to be made...

That's us .. WE started here just talking .. Letting her talk as I listened .. Amazing how we think they are just little babies still but after listening they seem almost wise at times.. This is my child that everyone calls an old SOUL ..

This picture makes me feel ..sing a joyful noise to the LORD ...It was beautiful to watch her just have fun and be herself and just play ... She was glad that she came ............ I know that I was glad that she had that mommy and me day ...

This was me .. In my favorite VANS (yes I am 45) LOL but love those shoes LOL
My inner beach(ness) ...I was sitting on this rocky ledge just checking it all out and Listening
The Lord filled me with the sense of being STILL at that moment.

I think PINK is my new color... I am loving all things BLUSH pink this week. .Just drawn to it ...
Now I am singing  Aerosmith in my head .. PINK is my favorite color LOL .. any Stephen Tyler old school fans will know that song LOL ........................SURF anyone.. If I had not watched Shark week ... I might surf a little more..NOT that we have HUGE surf or anything ..............

This is my one of my favorite pictures of My daughter... I sat in the back wondering what she was thinking....  or if she was like her mamma and just listening to what the water has to say ....

Has anyone heard of the Christina Perri Song?  I think she is the Artist that sings that song.. I have loved you for a 1000 years... I sing that every time I see the ocean .. I hum it

Okay these are some of my pics too that I will be using on my photo challenge. I have decided to instagram those now ...

This was taken on the porch of the surf shop ..Where Kenzie was getting her fake tattoo.. WHAT ? ? ? yes fake...PICK my battles LOL .. will wash off in two weeks.. LOL .. She said its only fake mom... 

sunset found myself here .. Just being ............mmmm JUST BEING !!!!! Doesn't that remind you of like a Nick Sparks movie or something................LOVE It

  I told her that today was a do-over day that I would do it over in a minute .She smiled ..She was really glad to have that mommy and me day (even 14) and all.. I am reminded daily ..MOM I am not a baby ... SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH don't tell her ..she will always be my baby no matter what she thinks...even when she is 30 ..................
My twins are 25 and they are still my babies ... my son is 23 and he is still my baby ..LOL so this 14 year old might as well FACE it ..............................................She is a hoot !!!!

and that is me .. I went to Curb alerts Luau the other day and HAD FUN ..THUS my cheesy shirt  !!!

I will close with this.. Some girls need lots and lots of diamonds.. I will take a shell ring , the ocean and an unlimited supply of these any day ...................TOODLES ..have a blessed week . thanks for reading ..................................................Sherry




  1. Awe, you are such a fun, involved mom. One day, your daughter will look back on the beach day and thank the Lord for such a special time with you. It's evident how much you cherish your children, as well as your faith.


    P.S. Oh to have a beach near my home. Oklahoma has...lakes...and puddles. ;)

    1. Meredith.. Thank you so much for those kind words I really needed them today > I WOULD hug your neck if you were here. .. Faith is good to have. I will be seeing you at your place.. HUGS

  2. I love the sign Sherry! What a beautiful day at the beach I say enjoy it because they do grow so quickly :) have a lovely day xo

    1. Thanks Mel... HUGS girl and will be seeing you on your blog (HUGS)

  3. Great sign, Sherry, and it looks like you had a wonderful memory-making day with your sweet girl. She is a beauty, by the way. I love the big water and it talks to me, too. I don't have the ocean here-only the cold, restless water of Lake Michigan...but it works for me- xo Diana

    1. Hey sweet girl . Hey I am with you .>water is water sister

  4. Beautiful post! I too have grown kids and younger kids so I know how special those one on one days are. We are so alike, give me flip flops and the beach, I'm one happy girl. The sign is perfect too, the battle is in our minds. I have to shift my thinking constantly. My Pastor reminded us on Sunday, there are facts in situations but the TRUTH of what GOD says always trumps the facts. So I choose to think on the truth, not always easy. Hope you guys have a wonderful Easter!

    1. Sherry .. we are kindred spirits my friend.. I totally agree with you 100% .. Thanks for the sweet post. YOUR posts always make my day .. As does your blog. I do love it there... SO glad that I found it ... Hope that you have a beautiful Easter my friend ..................HUGS

  5. SHERRY ..thanks so much for this .. Made my day..More than you know and confirmation on GODS word to me. Thank you

  6. That sounds like such a wonderful day! I know you must have enjoyed spending time with your daughter at your favorite location! Sounds like a nice, peaceful day. Just what the doctor ordered haha.

    I do remember that "Pink" song! I started singing it in my head when you mentioned it. Haven't heard it in forever though! And I do love that Christina Perri song. Sooo pretty!

    You have a beautiful daughter. A true chip off the old block :) Well not "old", but you know what I mean haha!

  7. Your hair looks FAB in that picture Sherry! And I love your daughters shirt with 'free hugs'. Jealous of your flip flops, weather and beach! :)

    1. Sara .. Thanks girl .. I cut most of my hair off and I am sure liking this shorter hair cut... thanks and anytime your near here stop on by and I will share the beach with ya girl

  8. My girls are grown, but I cherish all the mother/daughter days that we had when they were growing up. I love the mother/daughter days that we have even now...there may not be as many, but they are just as special!! It seems as if they grow up in a blink of an eye.
    Sounds and looks like you had a great day together...that you both will remember forever.

    1. awe thanks Cindy .. It sure does seem like its all going by in a blink of an eye for sure... I will see you over at your blog . Just love it there sister ... HUGS

  9. Both my daughters are married and live in different states now. Grab those special moments when you can!
    Farmhouse hugs,

    1. Cindy .. I know once this one graduates and off to college I will have everyone out of the house : ( EMPTY nesting then for sure... I am finding stuff to do now since everyone is pretty much grown and trying to get me some hobbies so I make it LOL >>> HUGS and have a blessed Easter girl

  10. Hi Sherry I came by way of Tammy's site ...yup now you have another farm girl following you around (lol) Sounds like you and your daughter had a fantastic day ... and it sounds like your a great mom!

    1. WIllow.........SO HAPPY TO HAVE YOU AS MY SWEET NEW FRIEND... I THINK FARM GIRLS rock GIRLY .. I raised my kids in the country... SOOOOOOO I am a bit of a country (beach) girl myself LOL .... I will be following you toooooooo .. I am headed now to see if you have a blog too

  11. Hi Sherry!
    Thank you so much for the lovely birthday wishes! :D
    I couldn't agree with you more about that quote.. it's so true. And I love how you took the initiative to go to the beach & take all the beauty in. I think we all need to do that more. a lot more. :)
    I'll finish this essay of a comment off by also telling you of how jealous I am that you live so close to such an amazing beach! We Canadians are a bit deprived of pretty beaches... ;)
    take care!

    1. Thank you Jane.... I admire you and your blog as well girl . I love Canada.. ALOT of sweet friends have lived there and born there.. I am convinced that Candada puts out some amazing people...SUCH as you .. HUGSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

  12. That is priceless time, we all need to take heed of that awesome quote.

    1. Thanks Karen.. I agree with you girl .. We need to Take Heed sister ... HUGS thanks for popping in my friend

  13. Hi and thankyou for visiting me and for your lovely comments!! Im following you; love your spirit and energy that just radiates from your blog!!! gorgeous pic of your daughter! Here in perth australia, we have a huge shark problem, sharks do worry me when my kids and husband go in the water... so many people have been taken over the past couple of years and i think we are one of the worst places in the world for that! Technology is working on it tho, i think some kind of shark deterrant mechanisms are being developed (non harmful) of course! which is a relief! Hope you have a wonderful day!
    laura x

    1. Laura ..Thanks girl for following.. I did not know that either about your area on the sharks.. GIRL I watched Shark week and it changed me forever LOL> SCARED

  14. Wonderful photo's! I think it is so great that you had a mommy/daughter day! That is so important to keep the lines of communication open.

    PS-My mom thinks that freaky cat in the window is a bobcat too! It's neck does seem a bit muscular for a regular cat doesn't it?? Eek! Following you back sweetie!

  15. Oh thank you so much for. stopping by and leaving a beAutiful comment. I appreciate your kind words so much.I love that you took time to spend with your daughter. we had a mommy / daughter day today and I overheard her saying to herself, "This is the best day ever."..made my heart happy.

    I look forward to talking to you again.

  16. Hi Sherry, What a beautiful time spent with your gorgeous daughter. M&M being made (making memories) together. I love these kind of days spent just being in the moment. Your pics are wonderful!!
    I love the water too and even by the pool, it speaks to me. LOL
    Enjoy every minute!!

    Wishing you a wonderful Easter,
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

    1. hey yall I replied from my phone so I am thinking the comments went to your voice mail .. WHEW knew lol ...........hugs and happy easter...

  17. What BEAUTIFUL beach shots...makes me want to go down to Galveston before it gets too sweltering. I hope you'll come back to the Farmhouse Porch and link this up at my linky party this Tuesday! Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a sweet comment♥

