Thursday, August 22, 2013

GOOD evening my sweet beautiful balls of SUNSHINE ..
YOU know when your blogging you just fall in love with your friends. !!
you see their families and get to know them..
Well I came across this sign and thought HECK with BLOGGIN BROTHERS and SISTERS.. were a really small GANG LOL
We are a blogging circle of creative thinkers.. Free spirits LOVERS of Nature and painting and PRETTY THINGS.. YES
We can all wear ...MMMM awe you get the GIST.. I just wanted to say I LOVE being in your gang. I read blogs for hours tonight and just loved it all..

I am now going to hang a chandelier from my TREE .. Thanks CURB ALERT ,
and I am on it baking some pancakes..
YOU just never know what you will learn and love in blogging... SO Hey .. Keep up those posts..
I am feeling so blessed. I just want you all to know . I am loving my new job and I work for some amazing people. ITs a great feeling going to work every day .. SWEET new friends ..
TOMORROW is my day Friday ..O GOOD GRAVY I am so back on the list sister..
'I am going to get a facial .. The works...
OH YEA and then going to go back by that MALL and get a massage for ten min on my shoulders.. WHO knows may just go crazy and get my NAILS DID !!!
What have you done for yourself lately ...
Well sweet gang.. Whatever you do .. PRAISE and thank GOD along the way .. Because at the end of the day ..NOTHING and I mean nothing would be possible without him...
Thanks for inspiring me.. This is like my little thank you card.. .

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Have you ever heard that saying .... ALL is well with my SOUL !!
That is how I feel.
ISNT it amazing how GOD has the perfect plan ..
Even when we think the plan is not perfect....If you sometimes let that door close.
YOU just might be surprised on what DOOR will open.
I have moved to another area ..OH YEA
The RUSTY PEARL is smack dab in the middle of
COUNTRY .. SO I am keeping it country over here LOL
Having said that the Salt and the AIR and the Water is who I am
THE SEA runs thru me.
Those who have that relationship with it ..GET it !!
I loved this picture about NOT looking back. I have
been looking forward and GOD has blessed me daily. SO thankful .
I have some thrifty treasures that I am painting and will post those very soon.
I wanted to share with you my favorite quote..
It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the door of deeds could have done better.
The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena , whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly: who errs and comes short again and again, who knows the great enthusiasms , the great devotions, and spends himself in a worth cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst , if he fails, at least fails while daring that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat...
I read that daily.. It inspires me.. WHAT is your favorite quote  ?
Thanks for blessing me .. HUGS and have a beautiful week .. LOVE< Sherry

Thursday, August 8, 2013

OMYGOODNESS GRAVY ---I have missed you all  my friends.. LET me first by saying HELLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOO ... Thank you sweet Tami for blogging for me. I have been so worried about it. GOT hit with SPAM computer issues, Moved, New CITY new JOB I have taken this ol town by storm friends... Well I must say ..> GOD has put some amazing friends in my life. .. I am thankful. I did not comment on everyones blog tonight BUT I sure read thru them and just had so much fun.. GOD is GOOD.

I guess I want to dedicate this page to saying I AM BACK and coming in full force. I had planned on being back sooner. BUT all honesty this move and new job and learning all of that just kicked my BOOTY really.. Isnt it funny how you go from knowing no one in a small town to knowing some friends and learning their story.. Are you INSTAGRAMING .. OMGOODNESS my new fave thing. I love just snapping pictures of life. I am new at it but follow me at the rusty pearl and I will sure follow you .. WELL I will have a real  BLOGGIN post tomorrow. I got everyones sweet post and I am so thankful and feel very blessed. THANK YOU TAMI for blogging that sweet message for me. I have said it before and I will say it again >>That Tami is a shining jewel in my life. SHE is good to the CORE .. I feel sooooooooooooo blessed to have her in my life  FOR SURE !! CHECK out her blog at Curb alert.. SHE is the definition of amazing... Thanks again and GOD Bless YOU ALL !!!!

Monday, August 5, 2013

We Miss You Sherry Sunshine!!!

Hi friends!  This is Tami, just checking in with you to let you know about our sweet friend Sherry.  No worries, she is doing just as fabulous as ever and has been crazy busy this summer with a move across our big city, a new job and a new home.  Let's just say that sweet soul is on a fabulous adventure and running full force towards this journey that God has given her!   That girl sees an opportunity and takes no time to sieze it!   Truly a brave child of God!  I am so blessed to know her in real life and in this awesome blog life and sure have missed her daily inspirations that she blogs about!  Boy oh boy I cannot wait until she starts writing again because I know it will be worth waiting for.

So I am asking all of you her readers to please lift her up, drop her a comment and say hello, and don't go too far because she will be back before you know it as she herself would say "with her STUNNER SHADES on"!  As you know her beautiful soul shines bright as ever.  I truly cherish our friendship and know that you have come to love her as much as I do!

In the mean time be sure to stay up to date with her by following her page, The Rusty Pearl, on Facebook. She is very active on posting her daily musings and inspiration for us all!

Take care and have a great week!
Tami @ Curb Alert!